

Finally weekend!
I so need it rigth now, were changing period next week in school so everyting in my life rigth now is connected to school. We've got loads and loads of exams, homework, projects.
But anyway no more school talk and lets get into what I've done yesterday and today.

- I got to skip a class in school since I had to take my bunny to the vet to shorten his teeth and just too see if everything is ok with him. It was so scary since I've never been before to the vet with him but it went okay.
-I got to see my school photos and omg I hate them so much, I look so stupid in them, the lighting was way too dark and they took close up photos only. That was fine when I was 7 but after that they've always taken from the waist which worked so much better. I so need to take those stupid photos again.
-I got to know which group I'm in in confirmation, I hope I atleast know someone in my group!
-The rest of the day was super boring, I read some in a book for swedish class and studied for the chemistry exam I will have on monday.

-Why am I even writing this, since there's nothing I can tell you, I woke up, ate breakfast and then either studied, read some more and went on the computer, such an interesting day...

Literally the most interesting thing I can show you, Fazer's new and really good chocolate.

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