
A week of running

I've got some spare time at the moment since my sister decided to be slow so I decided to quickly write something here. 

On Friday I finally decided to start my "one week of running" challenge. A challenge to run every day for a week atleast 5km every day. I put this challenge on my bucket list in the beginning of the summer since I knew that I wouldn't even try otherwise. 
Now when I've passed two days I know that it's actually quite a fun thing to do, not as bad as I thought it would be but I'll come back to that later to see if I'm still able to say that next Thursday.


Breakfast in bed and new jeans

Woke up really late today and haven't done really that much. But after a quick breakfast I went out for a bit of shopping. Couldn't really find that much interesting but came home with a pair of black molly jeans since they were finally back in store. 

Later in the evening I watched some episodes of dance moms since there wasn't any new episode of pll. And because I didn't have time to eat a proper breakfast in the morning I decided to eat it in the evening, which honestly was quite an brilliant idea.


Summer update

Almost half of my summer break have now past and I've finally forced myself to write something here. But I've simply been too lazy. 

But during the past month I've done some fun stuff but I've also spent way too many days in my bed, too lazy to get up, I kinda regret it but I guess that's just me. 

First and beginning of second week of summer. Made a cake with my sister, did a bucket list, camping with marjut, and got to know that I was accepted to IB ❤️

The week after that I went to confirmation camp. But I don't have any pictures from that  since the camp was the worst time of my life and I simply didn't wanna have any memories on my phone.

When I came home from the camp I went to sweet vaasa with sofia, celebrated midsummer with my sister and a lot of good food and stayed up late some nights to spend some time with Benjamin

Had my confirmation on 28.6 and had a really good day with my relatives.

The past week have probably been my favourite so far. Went to Thai house with my sister, and spent some time at a cool place under a bridge and on Friday I went to Sofias summer cottage and had a really good time with Sofia and Anna there.