
Blog challenge day 12: An old picture of me +pictures from today

Earlier this day I thought I would choose an totally different picture of me but then when I got home I saw the cutest thing ever laying outside our yard and that gave me the idea of making an 2 in 1 blog post.
So the cute "thing" that I saw was an baby squirrel it was so cute! At first I got a bit scared since it looked like the squirrel had a broken leg or something but then a while later it finally jumped away and hopefully it's safe now.

And the old picture of me is when I'm 7 and standing next to a squirrel that came every day to us and got quite tame it even sat on my lap once, we called it kurre but then some cat killed it and I got really sad since I was 7 and the squirrel was the closest thing to a pet I've ever had at that time.

Well atleast the squirrel is cute 

It's just so cute!

Blog challenge day 11: Something I dislike

I could mention so many things that I don't like but in many of the things it wouldn't make any difference to you so why even bother writing it down? So I decided to write about something that could help you, and in this situation something that would save you money.

So a few days ago I bought some candy since it was on sale and I have wanted to taste it for quite a long time. The candy I'm talking about is chupa chupa jellies. The tv commercial had been on non stop earlier this year and it looked really good there and it's chupa chups how wrong can it be?

But I was so wrong, it's so awful and I'm a person who eats almost any candy.
It looks good but thats it. The smell is horrible and it taste like bitter but still sour acids. Like a chemistry test gone wrong.


Blog challenge day 10: Seasonal nature photos

I love photography so I thought this would be really fun to do so here we go!

Blog challenge day 9: 5 reasons why...

So for day 9 the topic is 5 reasons why...
And the theme I chose is 5 reasosn why frozen is the best movie

I love frozen as you might know and I'm just a huge fan so why not be a bit creative around it.

1. Thanks to frozen we've got some amazing new quotes:
-Some people are worth melting for (olaf)
-Only the act of true love will thaw a frozen heart  (olaf)

2. The songs:
You gotta admit it let it go is an amazing song and so is do you want to build a snowman, and all the other songs in frozen.

These songs have also inspired people to do their own version of it and here are some examples:
I know the name is a bit wierd but it's about finals so perfect for me rigth now, itkeeps  my anger away I guess and gives me the courage to keep on studying
-Do you want to be my boyfriend?
-I don't know

3. The whole movie
I love everything about the movie you can really relate to the characters, you cry in the most sad moments and feel happy under the glad moments.

4. Olaf is the cutest thing ever
I don't know if it's just me but I love love love olaf he's just too cute!
Everything he say is perfection to me and wouldn't it be so cute to have a little (or big!) plush toy olaf on your bed?

5. The hairstyles
I really loved the hairstyles anna and elsa had and I've tried to do them myself both elsas braid and anna and elsas coronation hairstyle and they were actually quite easy to make. I've tried a few other hairstyles from movies and I've just felt that they were too hard but these were much easier.


Finally weekend!
I so need it rigth now, were changing period next week in school so everyting in my life rigth now is connected to school. We've got loads and loads of exams, homework, projects.
But anyway no more school talk and lets get into what I've done yesterday and today.

- I got to skip a class in school since I had to take my bunny to the vet to shorten his teeth and just too see if everything is ok with him. It was so scary since I've never been before to the vet with him but it went okay.
-I got to see my school photos and omg I hate them so much, I look so stupid in them, the lighting was way too dark and they took close up photos only. That was fine when I was 7 but after that they've always taken from the waist which worked so much better. I so need to take those stupid photos again.
-I got to know which group I'm in in confirmation, I hope I atleast know someone in my group!
-The rest of the day was super boring, I read some in a book for swedish class and studied for the chemistry exam I will have on monday.

-Why am I even writing this, since there's nothing I can tell you, I woke up, ate breakfast and then either studied, read some more and went on the computer, such an interesting day...

Literally the most interesting thing I can show you, Fazer's new and really good chocolate.


ootd 25.9

jacket: aukia <> jeans: cubus <> mint-green shirt: gina tricot <> collared shirt: h&m <> shoes: citymarket



I don't have that much time to blog anymore since it's almost 11 in the evening and I haven't even done my homework still so I'm just going to go through  this day with + and -

- had to bike to school and it started to rain and then a hail storm also started I arrived to school wet and super cold and I was freezing throughout the day
+ yummie salad for lunch
+ got a good result in my math test
- I got really hungry in school and had no food or money with me
+ I had good food at home to eat
- dance moms wouldn't work so I couldn't watch it
+ but I started to watch britains next top model instead
- It also started to snow today like seriously snow in September?

Most of the snow had luckily melted when I came home but I managed to find some that hadn't melted away in our backyard

Blog challenge day 8: Something I'm obsessed with

I thought today would be a perfect time to talk about something I'm obsessed with. Because I've lately found a new obsession.
My newest obsession is polyvore. I have no idea why I haven't found this page earlier since it's quite popular but I'm glad I atleast found it now.
But I really love this page because you can find so much inspiration from here, amazing stuff you never knew were sold this cheap and then I also love doing collages so it's perfect for me.

You should really check this site out since it's amazing and why not make your own account?
If you want to find me on polyvore then go to the user named stella-alexia since that's me! :)


Blog challenge day 7: My top 10 webpages

I don't really think I'm the only one who doesn't really have much of a life so we spend it on the computer instead so I decided make a list of my favourite webpages.

1. Youtube
 Who doesn't love youtube, you'll sereously find everything there, fashion ideas, homework help and videos you only watch when your bored.

2. wehearit.com
You gotta love that page I could seriously spend the whole day on weheartit.

3. Blogs. Don't really want to list all of them but some are fokis.se & carolinahannamaria.blogspot.fi

4. websta.me, to be on instagram on the computer, since I sadly don't have a phone that is good enough to be able to have instagram I just look at pictures from the computer a bit boring because I can't  put my own pictures there but atleast I can look at all my favourite instagram pages.

5. swefilmer.com & watchseries.it
Just to watch my favourite tv-shows and movies. Because  my mum won't  like netflix even tough I'm crazy to get an netflix account.

6. ? Until tomorrow it's a secret, not really but since I recently descovered it I wanted to write more about so I'll make an seperate post about it.

7. Online stores. Who doesn't like to look at clothes online? I maybe waste a bit too much time on looking at clothes but it's just so fun


8. The random pages to do quizzes and read random stuff on.
I really like those pages were you can do anything, do quizzes/tests, read like "top 10 fall trends"...


9. Quizilla.teennick.com
The ultimate page were you can find more quizzes than you will ever need or have time to do, perfect for those times when you really don't have anything to do.

10. origami-instructions.com
I've recently started to like origami and this page is perfect if you want to learn origami.
You can both find super easy, medium and hard origami. And the instructions are really good first pictures and text. But also a video if you need more help.

Blog challenge day 6: Something that made me happy today

I've lately tried to see if I would be happier if I would find something each day that made me happy.  And why not share what made me happy today.
The thing that made me happy today was that they had in citymarket the most cheapest icecream ever! Not a big thing right?  But most teenage people don't really have that much money to spend on snacks and especially the people like me who eat way too much snacks ;) So it really made me happy when I found Ingman vanilla, waffle and chocolate icecream for only 10 cent each!! the normal price is like a euro.

(since you can't see the icecream I just wanted to tell you that it's in the middle and half of the icecream is coated with chocolate and the other half has an waffle on each side.)

Blog challenge day 5: My favourite vacations

Since I really haven't been to that many interesting places mostly just Helsinki in the summer i thought it would be good to write about 3 vacations.

1. The classtrip to England 2012. It's my absolute favourite trip. I could only have put this trip here but since we went with the class I didn't think it was enough of a vacation but I loved every second of that trip and I just want to go back all the time.
But with the whole class we went in april to england and stayed at a school for 5 days and then under the five days we visited Stratford upon avon, London and Oxford. And just had fun with the class. But also with our "friend" school there.

2. Sweden, Stockholm

My father have never liked to go on vacation abroad so Stockholm 2011 was the first family vacation that I remember when we went to another country. It was really fun to go there, the hotel was super amazing, and I really loved to go there with Silja Line and spend 2 days on the ship.

3. Levi 2011

Sadly my father never gave to me the pictures from the trip so I don't have any. But Levi is a downhill and crosscountry skiing place, one of the largest in Finland. I've been doing downhill skiing since i was 3 or 4 so it was amazing to be there, the place was huge and the weather was perfect,  an absolutely amazing trip. I also loved that the place is really in northern Finland  so it's close to go to sweden from there so on the way home we also went really quick to Haparanda in Sweden.
But I'll try to get the pictures from my dad and maybe I could post like the top  5 pictures then?


Blog challenge day 4: botd

I don't really know what to call this but botd maybe? But todays post is breakfast of the day (botd).

So today for breakfast I had greek yogurt with nuts and frozen berries, so good! And it was even better when I tried it later in the day with cocoa powder and frozen berries. I coud litterally eat this as an dessert and it's not even that bad for you since greek yogurt doesn't have that much sugar in it like normal yogurt.

Blog challenge day 3: Random questions

For day 3 I decided to answer some random questions that I found on a website since I really like to answer questions, it's both fun and easy so lets get started!

1. Stretch your rigth arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?
A makeup brush and a blue pencil sharpener

2. Before you started this survey, what were you doing?
I watched the last episodes of dance moms season 2

3. Without looking, guess what time it is
I guess 00.21... and the right time was/is 00.50. Only 29 minutes wrong, yey!

4. What was the last thing you bought?  
Candy ;)

5. Who sent the last text message you received?
My sister

6. What's under your bed?  
Umm let me see or do I really want to know since that the only messy place in my room rigth now...
Okay, there is school books, emty bag of marshmallows, plastic and some clothes. well nice to know, not!

7. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what would it be?
I would probably say a bunny because I'm in school quiet if  I'm not with my closest friends and almost all in my class thinks I'm quiet. And  as a bunny I can eat a lot and I like to do that all the time.

But then I kinda got interested to see what animal I would be if I did some test on the internet so I typed into google "what animal are you quiz" and did some and here are the animals they thought I would be:
- beaver
- owl
- fox

8. How many languages do you speak?
swedish fluently
english close to fluent
finnish (should be the language I'm best on but i'm not even close)
and then french, not that good since I've only studied french for a year but I'm learning.

9. If you were stinking rich, would you only go to expensive places?
No because I don't care if I'm rich or not I will always like the food at mcdonalds, the icecream at rax and why spend 30€ on a pair of socks when you can get them for 3€ at h&m? And there is just so many other things that I love that don't cost much so why change only because you've got the money to do it?

10. If you had to be trapped in a tv show for a month, which would you choose? 
Victorious since their  school just seems to be so cool or maybe gossip girl so that I could see if Blair would hate me or not ;)


Blog challenge day 2: favourite things

Heyy, I'm back and it's time for blog challenge day 2!
Today my blog inspiration came from an 15 day blog challenge and it's just to list some favourite things. So here we go.

1. Favourite quote:
I really love quotes so this is perfect for me to answer. The only problem is that it's quite hard for me to pick just one so I chose to mention 2.

"You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have"

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
 -Albus Dumbledore

2. Favourite song:
I'm a huge fan of the movie frozen and "let it go" is such a good song. It's been in my head for over 6 months now and I'm still loving it so it's without doubt my favourite song at the moment.

3. Favourite food:
My all time favourite childhood food is onion pie and later on I also fell in love with chicken tortillas. So sad that I've never been able to do a tortilla as good as the one in Fransmanni. I loved it so much and I would always take it when we went there with the family but then they took it away and I don't really even remember what ingredients there were only that you got everything on small plates so that you could by yourself choose the fillings you wanted.

4. Vacation spot:
As you might know I'm a huge fan of England so that's definitely my favourite place on earth. But if it would be a tropical place then it's the Caribbean. I just think it looks really cool, but what do I know. I've never ever even been close to a tropical place.

5. Favourite dessert:
I don't even know if I've ever had any other favourite dessert than chocolate fondant with blackberries and whipped cream it's been a family tradition for my whole life to make it on 26th december and it's something I only eat once a year. And of  some strange reason I want it to be like that, it sure is hard to only eat your favourite thing once a year but getting to eat it on 26th gives me so many good memories.

an normal muffin from the outside but on the inside the thickest and most chocolate flavoured mixture you've ever tasted


Blog challenge day one: Me 1 & 2 years ago

I never really found the perfect blog challenge so I decided to mix some of my favourites together and decide by myself what I would do.
And for day one I chose me 1 & 2 years ago. The winter picture is 2 years ago and the autumn 1 year ago.

2 years ago I had just started to get some interest in fashion and I started to be more like the person I am today. "Middle school" was over for me and I felt like I now had a huge pressure on me to always be the best. My self esteem got horrible and beside starting to know my style I had no idea who I was. I was alone and hated my life, sad story but the truth.

1 Year ago my hair was shorter since people had told me to cut it, I still didn't have any self esteem and I did what people told me since I didn't know better. I was way too scared to stand up for myself and started to hate everything in my life. I had trouble with bullying again and I forced myself to smile all the time. I couldnt face the truth.

And now I'm finally starting to stand up for myself but I'm still not even close to were I want to be. I've stoped letting people push me around and I'm simply trying to get the life I want to have. The main reason that I actually started this blog was to get a chance to be the person I am somewhere, and not to be forced to act like other people want me to. My self esteem is still pretty bad but I'm working on it and maybe some day I'm able to tell someone about my blog since no one that I've ever met know that I'm having my own blog.


Just another boring day

Yeah, no fun motivation going on here. Tomorrow is my first math exam this year and I'm super nervous. I always seem to mess up in every math test and I really need to do good in this test. But since Ihaven't  had time to do anything fun today or even yesterday and I really wanted to write something I just have to show you the things I've done whichis basically   studying and eating but thats my life.

But finally tomorrow when the exam is over I'm going to try to be more active. vasas city storm or whatever it's name is is starting tomorrow so hopefully I'll find some stuff to buy that I could show you. And I'm thinking of starting some kind of blog challenge tomorrow if I only find a good one so that will hopefully keep me a bit more active here.

Yesterday my sister managed to get me out of the house for a while and we found these really wierd cookies like advocate flavour anyone? I tried to google it but I still don't know what I ate. But they were ok I guess advocates dont taste much ;)

hot cocoa with whipped cream, chocolate sauce and marshamallows, my life <3

I have no idea when I painted my nails last time but I finally did it on Sunday with my favourite nailpolish it's so simple, works with every outfit and the quality is really good for being a simple drugstore nailpolish. The colour is 103 pearly frost and it's from Isadora.

pancakes and the white stuff is vanilla sauce that melted on the pancakes making it look discusting but it was yummie.


Busy weekend

I haven't really had time to write much here but it's been an good week. On Friday I wrote an religion test and then later in the day some friends came over to my house for a sleepover which went really well. We made food, had a campfire and slept in the garage. Like the garage haha, but it was my idea that we would sleep there cuz we could then be really loud in the night. But I made it really cozy with blankets, christmas lights, mattresses and candles.

The rest of the day have been spent watching dance moms, eating leftover food and next on the list is studying for a chemistry test that I have on monday and then finally before bed youtube.

caramel-marshmallow popcorn

haha I almost feel proud of myself for having an "healthy" saturday evening snack
cucumber and carrot sticks with sour cream dip

dance moms! too bad that it's almost impossible to get a good picture of the  group performance, they all move around so fast

marshmallow hot chocolate (the dark spots are powder I mixed it all when the marshmallows had melted)


Sweater weather tag!

I still haven't gotten exited for fall at all, like no skirts and dresses anymore? But to atleast try to get exited I decided to do a fall tag and after looking on youtube for a while I found a tag that I thought would be the most interesting to do. And this is it, the sweater weather tag.

1. Favorite candle scent?
Apple-cinnamon, vanilla & cranberries   
2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
Absolutely hot chocolate but sometimes I prefer tea
3. What's the best fall memory you have?
I really don't have many special fall memories but I think my favourite is my halloween sleepover when I was 9 with my best friend at that time.
4. Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged eyeliner?
I must say that I don't like any of them that much, I just think that it looks so fake and too much on me but maybe winged eyeliner if it's a really thin line. And I'm not saying now that I think these trends look horrible on everyone. On some people it looks amazing but just not on me.
5. Best fragrance for fall?
Something sweet and light maybe like vanilla?
6. Favorite Thanksgiving food?
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Finland but I like turkey  ;)
7. What is autumn weather like where you live?
I feel that you never really know anymore, most of the time it's cold, dark and rainy but if you count november as an fall mont which a big part of the world does then it's also snowy and a total winter sometimes.
8. Most worn sweater?
Probably my oversized grey sweater wth an New York theme.
9. Must-have nail polish this fall?
My isadora white glitter nailpolish. (not a huge fan of dark nailpolish colours)
10. Football games or jumping in leaf piles?
The football games that they think of in this tag is something that doesn't exist here so I must say jumping in leaf piles.
11. Skinny jeans or leggings?
Skinny jeans!!
12. Combat boots or Uggs?
I don't  have either of them but I do like both shoe styles so this one is quite hard to answer but I think that it all comes down to the weather. Wearing uggs would never work most of the fall time here since it's raining way too much. But on the other hand if the weather is really cold and we already have snow then combat boots wouldn't be something I'd even could imagine my self wearing at that point.
13. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
Oh and how would I know when there's nothing with pumpkin spice in the whole city and even most part of the country, so sad to live in a country that seem to hate pumpkin spice.
14. Favorite fall TV show?
I don't have any tv show that is my "fall tv show" but I do love to watch all the halloween episodes on pretty little liars.
15. What song really gets you into the fall spirit?
Ok Stella, just one tiny little song that reminds you of fall it's gotta be possible... naah sorry not coming up with anything that gets me into fall spirit or even a song that have something with fall to do with. And I do hope that fall songs is hard to find, cuz who wants to look like a person who probably never listens to music because they dont know a fall song?


Evening snack

After a long day of homework, cleaning and being a photographer for my sister I decided to make something kinda healthy but good to eat so I made carrot-scones muffins. And they turned out really good. I changed the recipe a bit since there wasn't any carrots in it and then I also added some more sugar to make it a bit more sweet but here is the recipe:

8dl flour
1/2 tsp salt
about 4 tsp sugar
5 tsp baking powder
100g butter
4dl milk
about 6 small carrots or 3 big

mix all the dry ingredients
add the butter
add milk
chop the carrots to tiny pieces
and mix it all really good together

Then put the mix into muffin forms (about 15) and put them in the oven 250 degrees and about 12 minutes.

And then the perfect drink:

frozen strawberrys
lemon juice