
I'm moving to nouw

I've decided to move my blog to nouw.com since blogspot is lacking a few things here and there.
Feel free to check my new blog at http://nouw.com/stellalexia


We cannot control the wind, but we can direct the sail.

I came home a few hours ago from a sailing trip. Matilda, Vera and I had passed the theoretical exam of a sailing course earlier this year and this weekend we had part one of the practical test.

So yesterday morning we packed, bought food to then head off towards "Djupskär" by sailing. We got the sails up quite quickly and about an hour or so passed. But then the winds stopped so we had to take the sails down and continue with the motor.
After a while we decided to stop at "Lars björkars skär", stay there for a couple of hours and then go back to the harbour.
So we made dinner and relaxed for a while until the real challenge would start.
A part of the course was to be able to sail in the dark so when the sun went down we started our journey back to the harbour.
I must say it was a bit scary to sail in the pitch dark since you really needed to know where to go. Unless you want to crash into some rocks of course. But 3 hours later we were finally back at the harbour. We then spent rest of the night in the boat and in the morning we packed our things and went home again.


Just keep climbing

I know I haven't been very active the past week but I got a fever and I've also been busy with a ton of schoolwork. But it feels great to be back!

I've finally finished a history project that I have a presentation on tomorrow and I'm so tired but since the bathroom is occupied I'm still forced to be awake for a while longer.
The past week has been quite hectic, I've done quite much actually.

My sister came on monday morning back from Helsinki and she brought with her some really good cupcakes 

On Tuesday I went to eat some pizza before scout 

And today the girls in our scout group went wall climbing, I reached the top and got to ring the bell!


You say Thursday. I say it's Friday eve.

Today I've just desperately tried to stay awake (which I failed since I fell asleep when I came home) since I didn't get much sleep last night. But luckily it's Friday tomorrow (or actually today). 
I don't have any plans for this weekend which I kinda like. And since I don't have that much homework either I'll probably just watch Netflix all weekend, but I'm not complaining. 
Or maybe I'll even clean my bedroom?

But lastly before I try to fall asleep I just want to wish you a happy weekend.

"Tea party"

On Tuesday the IB second graders held the annual tea party for us first graders which probably was the weirdest and craziest evening in a long time. 
We had to put trash bags on, got some face makeup and then we were sorted into groups to do a lot of crazy things to strangers such as dance with them, get their autograph, ask them to marry us and sing to them. After that we went to a place for some pizza but before that we had to play handball with a dead fish and then also kiss it. 
And finally a couple of people in the class went to a classmates apartment.


Tea and books are always a good option

Once again I can't fall asleep, it's starting to become a habit. My alarm will go on in less than 7 hours so decided to make some tea to calm myself  and continue read "the scorch trials". I've really been obsessed with the maze runner series lately.

 But being up late doesn't really seem so bad after all when I'm chilling with a book and tea in my new favourite cup, that I found a couple of weeks ago.
 I've been searching for a big cup for the past year so I got so happy when I found this one. 


There is no friend like a sister


Today I spent my afternoon together with my sister, we didn't really do anything special we just talked and made a few stops while walking since she needed to buy some groceries and I had to walk home. But that's good enough for me, no need to make any fancy plans when we're together.

Anyways I'm currently copying photos to my new laptop since my laptop feels so empty and I think I'm going to continue with that for a while but after that I'll quickly watch some YouTube videos before going to bed.


First day of school ootd

Blouse: zara <> jeans: gina tricot <> 
Bag: glitter <> shoes: h&m

Started school last tuesday, my first day of IB. Finally a new start for me, I really didn't mind to change things up a bit.

I'm currently watching pll, haven't done anything today since I fell asleep when I came home, but the episode is soon going to end so I need to end this post and start to get ready for bed since its slowly getting late. But I'll hopefully write something tomorrow if there's anything to even write about. 



Decided to finally write about the trip to Helsinki that I did about a week ago. 

I have quite a lot of pictures to show so decided mainly tell with the pictures what I did so here we go..

Dinner on the way to Helsinki 

Late evening bubble bath since I really felt like having one due to the fact that we don't have a bath tub at home

Their breakfast was amazing, I especially loved the waffle bar they had

Bubble tea, finally got to taste it and I really liked it

Went one evening with my sister to "Korkee" a super nice adventure park where you got to climb, go zip lining  and simply try to pass obstacles in the air on "tracks" around the trees. A lot of fun but also really scary since I'm afraid of heights.

Driving was so much fun!

Took the bus home since my parents left earlier.


Summer days

The past couple of weeks have been quite fun, I've for once been able to do something. I'm currently on the way home from Helsinki but more about that later. 

I don't really have anything else to write about so I thought this post would just be filled with a lot of pictures.

Went an evening to the beach with Sofia 

Visited powerpark one day with Katja 

Spent two nights guarding the harbor and had an amazing sun rise 

Beach picnic with Ronja


A week of running

I've got some spare time at the moment since my sister decided to be slow so I decided to quickly write something here. 

On Friday I finally decided to start my "one week of running" challenge. A challenge to run every day for a week atleast 5km every day. I put this challenge on my bucket list in the beginning of the summer since I knew that I wouldn't even try otherwise. 
Now when I've passed two days I know that it's actually quite a fun thing to do, not as bad as I thought it would be but I'll come back to that later to see if I'm still able to say that next Thursday.


Breakfast in bed and new jeans

Woke up really late today and haven't done really that much. But after a quick breakfast I went out for a bit of shopping. Couldn't really find that much interesting but came home with a pair of black molly jeans since they were finally back in store. 

Later in the evening I watched some episodes of dance moms since there wasn't any new episode of pll. And because I didn't have time to eat a proper breakfast in the morning I decided to eat it in the evening, which honestly was quite an brilliant idea.


Summer update

Almost half of my summer break have now past and I've finally forced myself to write something here. But I've simply been too lazy. 

But during the past month I've done some fun stuff but I've also spent way too many days in my bed, too lazy to get up, I kinda regret it but I guess that's just me. 

First and beginning of second week of summer. Made a cake with my sister, did a bucket list, camping with marjut, and got to know that I was accepted to IB ❤️

The week after that I went to confirmation camp. But I don't have any pictures from that  since the camp was the worst time of my life and I simply didn't wanna have any memories on my phone.

When I came home from the camp I went to sweet vaasa with sofia, celebrated midsummer with my sister and a lot of good food and stayed up late some nights to spend some time with Benjamin

Had my confirmation on 28.6 and had a really good day with my relatives.

The past week have probably been my favourite so far. Went to Thai house with my sister, and spent some time at a cool place under a bridge and on Friday I went to Sofias summer cottage and had a really good time with Sofia and Anna there.