
I'm moving to nouw

I've decided to move my blog to nouw.com since blogspot is lacking a few things here and there.
Feel free to check my new blog at http://nouw.com/stellalexia


We cannot control the wind, but we can direct the sail.

I came home a few hours ago from a sailing trip. Matilda, Vera and I had passed the theoretical exam of a sailing course earlier this year and this weekend we had part one of the practical test.

So yesterday morning we packed, bought food to then head off towards "Djupskär" by sailing. We got the sails up quite quickly and about an hour or so passed. But then the winds stopped so we had to take the sails down and continue with the motor.
After a while we decided to stop at "Lars björkars skär", stay there for a couple of hours and then go back to the harbour.
So we made dinner and relaxed for a while until the real challenge would start.
A part of the course was to be able to sail in the dark so when the sun went down we started our journey back to the harbour.
I must say it was a bit scary to sail in the pitch dark since you really needed to know where to go. Unless you want to crash into some rocks of course. But 3 hours later we were finally back at the harbour. We then spent rest of the night in the boat and in the morning we packed our things and went home again.


Just keep climbing

I know I haven't been very active the past week but I got a fever and I've also been busy with a ton of schoolwork. But it feels great to be back!

I've finally finished a history project that I have a presentation on tomorrow and I'm so tired but since the bathroom is occupied I'm still forced to be awake for a while longer.
The past week has been quite hectic, I've done quite much actually.

My sister came on monday morning back from Helsinki and she brought with her some really good cupcakes 

On Tuesday I went to eat some pizza before scout 

And today the girls in our scout group went wall climbing, I reached the top and got to ring the bell!