
Sweater weather tag!

I still haven't gotten exited for fall at all, like no skirts and dresses anymore? But to atleast try to get exited I decided to do a fall tag and after looking on youtube for a while I found a tag that I thought would be the most interesting to do. And this is it, the sweater weather tag.

1. Favorite candle scent?
Apple-cinnamon, vanilla & cranberries   
2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
Absolutely hot chocolate but sometimes I prefer tea
3. What's the best fall memory you have?
I really don't have many special fall memories but I think my favourite is my halloween sleepover when I was 9 with my best friend at that time.
4. Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged eyeliner?
I must say that I don't like any of them that much, I just think that it looks so fake and too much on me but maybe winged eyeliner if it's a really thin line. And I'm not saying now that I think these trends look horrible on everyone. On some people it looks amazing but just not on me.
5. Best fragrance for fall?
Something sweet and light maybe like vanilla?
6. Favorite Thanksgiving food?
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Finland but I like turkey  ;)
7. What is autumn weather like where you live?
I feel that you never really know anymore, most of the time it's cold, dark and rainy but if you count november as an fall mont which a big part of the world does then it's also snowy and a total winter sometimes.
8. Most worn sweater?
Probably my oversized grey sweater wth an New York theme.
9. Must-have nail polish this fall?
My isadora white glitter nailpolish. (not a huge fan of dark nailpolish colours)
10. Football games or jumping in leaf piles?
The football games that they think of in this tag is something that doesn't exist here so I must say jumping in leaf piles.
11. Skinny jeans or leggings?
Skinny jeans!!
12. Combat boots or Uggs?
I don't  have either of them but I do like both shoe styles so this one is quite hard to answer but I think that it all comes down to the weather. Wearing uggs would never work most of the fall time here since it's raining way too much. But on the other hand if the weather is really cold and we already have snow then combat boots wouldn't be something I'd even could imagine my self wearing at that point.
13. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
Oh and how would I know when there's nothing with pumpkin spice in the whole city and even most part of the country, so sad to live in a country that seem to hate pumpkin spice.
14. Favorite fall TV show?
I don't have any tv show that is my "fall tv show" but I do love to watch all the halloween episodes on pretty little liars.
15. What song really gets you into the fall spirit?
Ok Stella, just one tiny little song that reminds you of fall it's gotta be possible... naah sorry not coming up with anything that gets me into fall spirit or even a song that have something with fall to do with. And I do hope that fall songs is hard to find, cuz who wants to look like a person who probably never listens to music because they dont know a fall song?

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